Academic Communication
Remote Sensing: from Satellites to Drones
Number of hits:Subject: Remote Sensing: from Satellites to Drones
Speaker:Anita Simic Milas
Host:Professor Jie Yu
Time:Monday, Octobor 28, 2019, 2:00 p. m.
Location:Room 823, Science Buiding
Content:Simic Milas received her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in remote sensing from the University of Toronto. She is the founder of the SPatial LITeracy - SPLIT Remote Sensing, the international educational program for early career professionals and graduate students, and she has been Associate Editor for the International Journal of Remote Sensing (IJRS) since 2016, and Editor for the IJRS section Drones since 2018. She is a member of EARSeL.
Abstract:Simic Milas’s research is related to remote sensing applications in vegetation science and hydrology with expertise in applications of optical remote sensing including satellite and airborne / drone data. Her recent research considers monitoring agriculture under different treatments and nutrient applications, and the impact of excess nutrients on vegetation and water quality in wetlands and rivers/lakes. Simic Milas collaborates with NASA and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources on the Lake Erie related projects, and with Michigan State University on the Kellogg Biological Station Long-Term Ecological Research in Michigan.